Thursday, July 7

Tips To Get Over A Broken Heart

A Broken heart is one of the most toughest challenge to overcome. After a break up, you might feel like the end of the life, depending on how deeply involved you were with your partner. This page cannot do wonders in getting you back to life, but can surely help you to do so.

How To Overcome a Broken Heart

Accept It: Its Over & accept it. Try not thinking the other way that the relation is still alive.

No Hangover: Once you accept its over, break all contacts with your ex. No missed calls/ msgs. Do not dedicate songs to your ex or listen to their favorite songs intentionally. Don't sit in front of their facebook pages

Socialize: Get Along with your friends or try the idea of making new friends even though your mind is not that active.

No Sad Songs: Songs have a great impact on human emotions & hence listening to sad songs at this point of time will let your mind really down. So avoid sad songs instead try listening to an upbeat, fun songs. This will surely help you crack the shell

Don't stay Lonely:   Don't be alone try involving in something which can be work, games, movies or any thing that gets you involved. Being around your friends can actually create magic in overcoming a broken heart.

Memories on Sleep Mode:  Its impossible to erase memories because we are humans( unless gets some disease of memory loss) but try not to remember about the past & all its sweet memories. It will be hard but lock all your memories. When ever you go into the past memories, intentionally change your thought process.

Time Heals : The most important, there is no wound that time cannot heal. Initially flow with the time & things will get along nicely. So cry, bang your head, avoid food, do everything possible when the wound is fresh, but when time passes by it will heal everything.

Remembering all these will definitely help your to overcome a break up, not overnight, but with some time.
May be after sometime, you might be coming back to this page because you might end up breaking with another partner. After all its all part of life.

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